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Thursday, 27 November 2008

Petition for Palestine Directed to the UN Secretary General

Today I went to the United Nations in Vienna, to take part in an event with occasion of the “Annual Observance of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People“. The representatives of Image: many countries and international organizations assisted to this event. Some of them gave speeches. The speech of the chairwoman of the session, the representative of Cuba, called my attention because her reference to international treaties and how she characterized the occupation. She stated clearly that the occupation is a crime against humanity. Other persons who called my attention were the representative of the “International Progress Organization”, who presented an outline of the treaties and international laws violated by Israel.

The representative of Austria referred to the security of Israel but equally said that Israel there is observation and encouragement for the peace process. Yet another participant in the session was the Director General of the UN Office in Vienna, who spoke about the peace process between Palestinians and Israelis, which they support, and that he would go next year to Palestine to see what is needed.

Image: The representative of Palestine delivered a speech in Arabic which was sent to him from the office of President Abbas, in which he stated that he would like to continue the peace process until there can be two states which will exist side by side. I am sorry to say that, among the speeches and private conversation of the various participants, I found that his speech and behaviour was the only one not commensurate with the occasion. I was sad to see, for example, that the representative of Cuba, Ambassador Norma Goicochea, displayed a far greater understanding and sensitivity of the issues at hand than the Palestinian government. More