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Saturday, 28 April 2007
Only One In Ten US Dead In Iraq Are Reported
"Six days ago, I was in an armed convoy driving through the McCain-safe streets of Baghdad when a non-existent rocket, made right here and not in Tehran, blasted into a truck carrying fifteen GIs. We had to stop, could not turn around because there were vehicles behind us, frantically trying to flee in all directions, and so I saw what were the shredded remains of all fifteen soldiers littering the street and smoldering. Not the sort of thing to look at, or smell, after breakfast or before lunch. There was not a word of this in our media at home and the official casualty lists, posted on the net didn't mention any of them. There are fifteen that never got reported. Fellow in the next building from me does the casualty reports for transmitting back to the States and he says they publish the names of one in ten. This has been a very bad month with over 300 known dead! That doesn't cover those with faces missing or legs up on a local roof, feeding the birds. This place has become a living hell, what with occasional snipers shooting our men inside the "really safe" Green Zone, setting off bombs in the "heavily guarded" Iraqi government compound and blowing up the hand puppet legislators at lunch, mortar rounds from the "defeated insurgents'" slamming down at all times of the day and night, and so on.
This crazy Bush 'surge 'is not working because we have had to withdraw all our troops from outlying provinces and they have been replaced with local religious crazies who shoot anything that moves. The insurgents have virtually destroyed the power grids so Baghdad gets electric power a few hours a day (at the very best); the water supply has been "interfered with" so the locals get shit-infested water from the river but we, who are Bringing Bush Democracy to the benighted heathens have our own generators and our own water, carefully filtered of shit and body parts, so we can cheerfully, and proudly, show the world how better the locals are off with our brand of vicious tyranny as opposed to Saddam's. They ought to bring Bush and Cheney over here, strip them buck naked and use them as decoys and then we'd see a rapid withdrawal for certaion! And hear loud cheers as the GIs would be struggling with the locals to pick up presidential and vice presidential body parts as souvenirs."
The Voice of the Whitehouse:
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Post Title: Only One In Ten US Dead In Iraq Are Reported