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Saturday 2 February 2008

Defending Israel to the “End Times”

These are busy days for Christian Zionists. While President Bush recently returned from his trip to the Middle East “optimistic” that a peace agreement between the Israelis and Palestinians could be reached by the end of the year, Pastor John Hagee’s Christian United for Israel (CUFI) is setting forth plans to put the kibosh — if not on the entire peace process — on any agreement that would sanction the division of Jerusalem. And Dr. Mike Evans has launched a “Save Jerusalem Campaign” while Joel C. Rosenberg’s Joshua Fund is planning a major celebration in Jerusalem in honor of Israel’s 60th anniversary.

CUFI, the pro-Israel lobbying group launched in February 2006 to provide support for Israel, believes that “‘Jerusalem must remain undivided as the eternal capital of the Jewish people’ (meaning no portion of it should be turned over to the Palestinians),” Sarah Posner, writes in her new book God’s Profits: Faith, Fraud, and the Republican Crusade for Values Voters (PoliPointPress, 2008).

Hagee, who heads up an 18,000-member Pentecostal congregation in San Antonio, Texas, “inject[s] . . . the charged rhetoric of biblical prophesy into contemporary foreign policy,” Posner writes, “[which] has catapulted him to the forefront of an American Christian Zionist movement that has become the darling of conservative Israel hawks in Washington and neoconservatives yearning for regional war in the Middle East.” More