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Sunday 30 August 2009

The Massacre of Muslim Civilians is always: 'Self-Defence' but never Terrorism

The Anglo-US-Israeli axis continues to market the murdering of Muslims civilians as the result of self-defence, through its media outlets. Any impartial observer seeing the carnage in Iraq, Lebanon and now in Gaza would conclude differently, because it is obvious who is being terrorised and slaughtered. Naturally, the gruesome images from Gaza have caused the ordinary masses in all parts of the world to take to the streets and protest; this is unprecedented in our recent history.

It is disgusting to see the pro-Israeli commentators having the 'chutzpah' to claim that Israel has the higher moral grounds, whilst committing mass murder in the concentration camp of Gaza. The sheer barbarism shown by Israel has full endorsement from the US and British governments. Most Israelis do not feel remorse for the killing of gentiles. In the US, you see the pro-Israeli Jews [1] are celebrating the bloodletting. I will elaborate later on the Israeli barbarism. There is also tacit approval of this carnage from the Arab regimes, deduced from their silence and inaction. More