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Monday, 3 August 2009

Israeli settlers 'are wrecking peace process'

Zionist Prop:
Britain has accused Israel of allowing extremist Jewish settlers to disrupt attempts at relaunching the peace process after police evicted more than 50 Palestinians from their homes in Jerusalem.

As Jewish settlers moved into the Palestinian homes, the British consulate said it was appalled by the evictions, which took place a few hundred yards from the diplomatic mission, after an Israeli court decided in favour of the settlers.

“Israel’s claim that the imposition of extremist Jewish settlers into this ancient Arab neighbourhood is a matter for the courts or the municipality is entirely unacceptable,” the consulate said in a statement. “Their actions are incompatible with Israel’s desire for peace. We urge Israel not to allow extremists to set the agenda.”

The evictions came at a sensitive time, with the US Administration pushing a reluctant right-wing Israeli government towards a freeze on new settlements in Palestinian areas, in the hope of reviving peace talks. More