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Tuesday 6 January 2009

Where’s Osama?

How likely is it that Osama bin Laden, the defender of the oppressed Moslems, “the perpetrator of 9/11” as they tell us, would remain silent in the face of the Israeli massacre of the helpless Palestinians in Gaza? Asks Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich.

It seems that the outgoing Christian President and his gang of neocon thugs were so busy giving the green light to the Israelis to commit genocide that they forgot a minor detail: OBL. Of course, this oversight could be attributed to the fact that mass murder took place at a time when Jesus was born – and Mr. Bush must have been listening to his ‘higher father’ to know whether genocide in Gaza was permissible. Presumably, as with Iraq, he got his answer and the UN Security Council’s vote for a cease fire was blocked. At a time of giving and festivities, it is natural for OBL to be forgotten.

But not everyone forgot OBL – especially since in September 2007 he appeared for no less a reason than to criticize the Democrats for poor leadership. In a previously published article, I mentioned that I was struck by OBL’s extraordinary appearance which was obviously doctored. Hollywood at its worst; but then, as Americans, we have grown accustomed to poor performance, not only by presidents and corporations and their CEOs, but congress, stockbrokers, media, Wall Street, etc. So we should not really be surprised to see Osama Bin Laden, this fundamental Moslem, appear in a ‘CIA verified video”, with a neatly trimmed black-dyed beard which goes against the tenets of an Islamic fundamentalist simply in order to meet the ego of the “American pundits”? With the black, trimmed beard came a short, wide nose, and unless OBL had a nose job somewhere in Bora Bora, it was fake – the whole thing was. More

9/11 was a Jew Job