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Tuesday 3 June 2008

Occupation Forces Detain 3 Citizens

American occupation forces have stormed the house of one citizen in Ninowa province on 2 June 2008, Tuesday arresting three children of the home owner. In addition, the occupation forces also stole the money and official archives in the house


Tuesday, 03 June 2008

ImageAmerican occupation forces have stormed the house of one citizen in Ninowa province on 2 June 2008, Tuesday arresting three children of the home owner. In addition, the occupation forces also stole the money and official archives in the house.

HEYET Net Special - Eyewitnesses said that U.S. occupation forces used dogs during the police operation to storm the house, located in the Jerusalem district, which wreaked havoc.

The witnesses added that US occupation forces smashed furniture and contents of the house; then arrested the three sons of the owner taking them to an unknown destination.

It is worth mentioning that the U.S. occupation forces often stole money, jewelers and gold contents of the destroyed houses when so-called inspection and raids are carried out.

It is also important to note that the American occupation army includes in its ranks many of the criminals and muggers who entered in Iraq, especially after the shortages suffered by young people because of reluctance to join him. Many US soldiers are joining the army because of gaining money, citizenship or etc even though they are participating in such a dirty war resulting millions of people dead, murdered, tortured, displaced and destroyed country.


Sword of Jihad - Open Source Center

Occupation – The Torture Industry

Contradicting itself (lying), the U.S. holds currently 400,000 Iraqi Prisoners, and is taking more. 95% of Women prisoners are systematically raped, the children prisoners tortured by other means


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15.5. Occupation Forces Kill Two and Arrest Six Others

13.5. AMSI : the Arrest of Women and Children is Barbarism

13.5. Occupied Iraq has the Largest Number of Prisons in the World- part II

7.5. Occupied Iraq has the Largest Number of Prisons in the World

28.4. UN Probe Urged Over Iraqi Inmates

8.4. Warning of its Consequences...AMSI Reveals Organized Crimes of Sahwa Forces

1.4. Press Release – The Killing of Two Citizens and Arresting Seven Others

17.3. APR – Killing and Arresting Citizens

12.3. APR - The Arrest of Ten People From Sheikh Hamad Family

On OS Center:

2.6. US accused of holding terror suspects on prison ships

2.6. Stand Operating Procedure, by Philip Gourevitch and Errol Morris

28.5. American Psychological Association Supports Psychologist Engagement in Bush Regime Interrogations: A Critique of Stephen Behnke’s Letter to the ACLU

26.5. Justice Department's Revelations on Torture

26.5. New book uncovers prisoner abuse

25.5. Army medic admits torturing Iraqi boy, 14

22.5. Congratulations, America ... Children are Being Tortured in Your Name

21.5. FACTBOX-Terrorism-suspect abuse in U.S. report

21.5. RIGHTS-US: Guantanamo Trials Hit Setbacks

20.5. Military retools detainee releases

19.5. U.S. Holding 27,000 in Secret Overseas Prisons; Transporting Prisoners To Iraqi Jails To Avoid Media & Legal Scrutiny

18.5. Iraqi court rulings stop at US detention sites

17.5. US/IRAQ: Soldier Refuses Tour, Citing "Stomach-Churning Horrors"

17.5. Friday prayers rebuke arbitrary arrests

16.5. 'Waterboarding' film that ‘CIA doesn't want you to see' launched

16.5. Anti-War Vets Testify for Hill Panel

14.5. How Abu Ghraib Became the Anything-Goes Prison

14.5. Investigations into civilian abuse in Basra

13.5. 500 suspected insurgents detained in N Iraq

13.5. 3 "suspected bombers" arrested in Karbala

13.5. Iraqi Prisoners Being Beaten In Jail In Karbala

13.5. 17 arrested in Basra

13.5. Carter says U.S. tortures prisoners

13.5. Iraq lawmakers pass amendment tightening amnesty law

10.5. The "Surge" of Iraqi Prisoners

9.5. Ex-US Iraq commander says in new book that military tortured, killed detainees

8.5. Torture After Dark

8.5. Horrors of the Iraq torture prison ... coming to a cinema near you

7.5. Under U.S. Law Torture is Always Illegal

7.5. Al-Hajj says US wanted him to spy

7.5. "Guantanamo Stamp of Shame for US"

7.5. The "Surge" of Iraqi Prisoners

4.5. Rights activists decry torture

3.5. Women Tortured by “Mobile Phone Abuse”

3.5. 'I thought I could handle anything. I was wrong'

3.5. 'Standard Operating Procedure': Clearer picture of torture

3.5. Abu Ghraib film obscures truth


2.5. ACLU: Pentagon documents highlight interrogation methods

1.5. Ministers accused of ignoring evidence of abuse in Iraq

1.5. Newly Unredacted Report Confirms Psychologists Supported Illegal Interrogations In Iraq and Afghanistan

30.4. Death Making: The ex-member and al-Qaeda recruitment in the American prisons

30.4. Driving Guantanamo Detainees Insane

30.4. Medic says Army sergeant ordered him to suffocate Iraqi

29.4. CIA Stonewall: Agency Won’t Release 7,000 Documents Related to Torture Program

29.4. UN Security Council should address MNF-Iraq detainee policies: HRW

28.4. 3 Iraqi military personnel arrested after senior al-Qaeda member escaped in Diala

28.4. UN: Tell US to end illegal detention practices in Iraq

28.4. Filmmaker Errol Morris turns a lens on Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison

28.4. Human Rights Watch Asks U.N. Security Council To Tell U.S. To End Illegal Detention Of Iraqis

27.4. Guantanamo eclipses other US abuses

26.4. Torture in Iraq: 'Standard Operating Procedure'?

26.4. Pentagon suspends controversial briefings

26.4. Soldier says shots fired after Iraqi started to run

25.4. US troops arrest 3 public servicemen in Anbar

22.4. Stress hooding noise nudity dogs

19.4. U.S. soldier killed, 44 persons arrested in violent acts until 9:30 PM

8.4. RIGHTS: Jordan Acted as Hub for U.S. Renditions, Report Says

8.4. US/Jordan: Stop Renditions to Torture

5.4. Winter Soldiers Tell Tales of Dehumanization

1.4. Algeria's Dirty Wars: After the French tortured the Algerians, the Algerians tortured each other.

28.3. Classified Memo Reveals Iraqi Prisoners as "Starving"

24.3. 23,000 Iraqi detainees in U.S. detentions – U.S. official

22.3. Iraqi Jailed Women…Abuse, Injustice

22.3. In Iraq, jailed women tell of abuse

18.3. New Report From Abu Ghraib: 'Oh Jesus, That Does Look Pretty Bad'

18.3. US/IRAQ: "I Saw the Interrogator Waterboarding Him"


18.3. New Yorker: Abu Ghraib abuses were 'de facto US policy'

16.3. 'Signs of torture' you can't imagine

15.3. Robicheaux's Nightmare: US Rendition, Guantanamo, Torture in February 2008

15.3. Abu Ghraib prison turned US soldiers evil by design

15.3. Wired publishes photographs of Abu Ghraib