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Wednesday 6 February 2008

Second Largest City In Iraq About To Get The Fallujah Treatment

It seems that the US occupation is about to embark on a new spate of war crimes in northern Iraq against 'AlQaeda', a translation of which would be any sunni, shiia or kurd who opposes the occupation in the first place. Mass murder in Iraq is following a novel template - pre announced genocide, with commanders promising widespread death, destruction and mass displacement. Mosul will thus join the list of cities with Najaf, Haditha and Fallujah to be flattened while the residents flee the carnage if they're lucky or be instantly branded 'Al Qaeda' if they find themselves dead in the streets.

And the residents know what's coming as they urgently prepare for the siege. Funny thing about the recipients of our largesse around the world - they aren't fooled ny the bullshit propaganda that somnambulant mouthbreathers in this country are. They know their bootlicking prime minister is only talking to americans when he mentions AQ. Even if there was such a terror gang they'd be quick out of Dodge leaving defenceless citizens to face the imminent destruction of their city.

The propaganda line is that "Iraqis will be spearheading the attack", as if this is all about a proud and free and embattled country fighting for it's life against some cancerous and deadly enemy, but of course it's all a lie. Yet one more time america is a brutal occupier, with a handful of whoring native traitors and mercenaries posing as a legitimate army, using vast firepower to brutally murder all who resist america having it's way in the country. We'll no doubt be treated to a few half hearted attempts to convince american dullards that the US is only in an "advisary" role, a ploy played out countless times in history, while the military gears up to demolish the city with air power, just as they decided to do with a Baghdad suburb less than a month ago: More