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Thursday, 8 November 2007
The Anti-Americanism of the Israel-Firsters
Too soon old and too late smart." That saying was one of my Dad's favorites, and one he used when one of us in the family re-made a past mistake, having not learned from the first error. I am guilty of that in regard to the current game being played by Commentary's Gabriel Schoenfeld and his Goebbels-wannabes at the National Review, the American Thinker, and other organs of the Israel-first media. Mr. Schoenfeld has accused me of leaking information to the media about an Islamist fighter/ideologue who was rendered to Egypt from Croatia in 1995. On the basis of this supposed action on my part, Mr. Schoenfeld compares me to Philip Agee and argues that the accused Israeli spy Larry Franklin did nothing worse than I did. Even for Commentary, the sweep of this "Big Lie" is impressive.
Now, let us settle first things first. Even a mediocre former CIA officer – and I like to believe that I was at least that – will do a Google search to find out what is available in the open-source world on the subject a journalist wants to speak to him or her about. This is especially true when the journalist is a European who, these days, is likely to be anti-American, especially on the subject of rendition. The Google search I did on the 1995 rendition in question, turned up all of the information that is contained in the article that has Mr. Schoenfled and his acolytes in their current let's-hang-Scheuer-to-clear-Larry-Franklin snit. A few examples follow from a quick search using Google News. More...
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Post Title: The Anti-Americanism of the Israel-Firsters