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Thursday, 18 October 2007

Rip Van Winkle Wakes up in Toad Hall.

The country is finally getting its act together. It’s haphazard but wide-spread. You can hear the hunting horns in the distance; the baying of the hounds. The foxes were running in a pack but they’re splitting off into every direction now. These foxes have human faces with all the characteristics of foxes. You know who I am talking about.

Behind the scenes, all the bagmen, all the moneyed interests… all the combines and collectives of pigs and wolves and hyenas that make up the corporate control net are switching the money supply to the other side. The Murphy game is afoot and the badgers are getting ready to run their game as it becomes time for all the faceless manipulators to morph into the tireless warriors for the good of humanity that they have been all along but were too humble and modest to take any credit for. Black’s going to be the new white, neo-cons are going to be the new liberals and FoxNews is going to tell you just how much we all love Hillary now that Rupert and Hillary are an item.

Yes, I shouldn’t slander the animal kingdom as I am doing and I’ll probably hear from PETA about it but it’s metaphorical. Even I am metaphorical.

Finally… finally… somewhere the final straw has broken the camel’s back and critical mass has been reached. You see it in the California convention of “No More Wars for Israel.”