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Wednesday 8 August 2007

"Zey will charge zem in Mannheim with anti-Semitism"

Director General Efraim Zuroff of the Wiesenthal Center has sworn to revenge sugar packets made in Croatia bearing the likeness of Adolf Hitler. ''Zis is a crime'' shouted Rupert Murdoch aka Murdocai when he heard of it. '' '' How can somebody do zis to us,'' 78 years old Rupert added. '' I shall tell zis to ze Germans. Zey will charge zem in Mannheim with anti-Semitism. There in Mannheim , every second judge is a Jew.''

Germany has a special paragraph for this. It is paragraph number 130. It was used against Zundel recently, who was sent away for another seven years into jail. Gifted Zundel spent some time in jail before.

This paragraph has a special feature construed by the clever allies: If a solicitor or a lawyer represents a client under German paragraph 130 and really would noticeably stand up for this client, the German judge could immediately send the advocate to jail too. The post-war German state entity - called BRD - is according to the so called allied ''Überleitungsvertrag '' [?] bound to defend the holocaust-story. Because it is serving grand allied politics.

For instance Israel could otherwise not 'eggcist' much longer. Any experienced politician knows of this absurd story, which was made to keep an everlasting American foot in Asia , where the large oil-explorers like BHP, Exxon, BP, Texaco and Shell have mapped the oilfields wihout talking about their locations until they belong to them. (this item was sent by Ingrid Rimland, quoting an unknown author)