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Friday 10 August 2007


In the past, whenever I compared the occupation of Palestine to the tactics used by the nazis in Eastern Europe, the zionists went ballistic. "How dare you!!" How could you??" BUT.... they make no attempt to change their ways and the similarities get even stronger as time goes by.

The following essay by Khalid Amayreh appeared on the pages of the Palestinian Information Center,his sentiments are those of millions of people....

In 1940, several months after invading Poland in September 1939, the Nazis forced about 500,000 Jews into the Warsaw Ghetto, surrounding it with a high wall. Tens of thousands died from hunger and disease. Eventually, 300,000 were sent to death camps, mainly Treblinka in eastern Poland.

Similarly, Israel is now incarcerating nearly a million and a half helpless Palestinians in the Gaza Strip into a hell similar in nature to the Warsaw Ghetto. The Gaza concentration camp is not only fitted with a wall, but also with every conceivable tool of repression, such as electric fences and watch towers manned by Gestapo-like trigger-happy Jewish soldiers who shoot first and ask questions later.

Moreover, thousands of Israeli soldiers, are surrounding Gaza in a hermetic manner, shooting and killing any Palestinian trying to escape, e.g. enter Israel to search for work or even food.