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Friday 10 August 2007

Torture Epidemic

Egypt’s Torture Epidemic
Torture in Egypt is a widespread and persistent phenomenon. Security forces and the police routinely torture or ill-treat detainees, particularly during interrogation. In most cases, officials torture detainees to obtain information and coerce confessions, occasionally leading to death in custody. In some cases, officials use torture detainees to punish, intimidate, or humiliate. Police also detain and torture family members to obtain information or confessions from a relative, or to force a wanted relative to surrender. More... and much more here

Torture in Morocco's Secret Prisons
Of his 300 fellow prisoners, only 250 were released - like three in his cell, the others had died of torture and malnutrition. Because of thrombosis brought on by torture, his cell mates' legs were paralysed before they died. More and much more

Algeria: Evidence of persistent torture by the Military Security in secret locations
Beatings, electric shocks and the forced ingestion of dirty water, urine and or chemicals are just some of the methods that continue to be used by Algeria's security forces with systematic impunity, Amnesty International revealed in a report published today. More and much more

Jailed for Denouncing Torture in Tunisia
Mohamed Abbou is a prominent human rights activist in Tunisia. He was formerly the director of the Association of Young Lawyers and is a member of the independent National Committee for Liberties in Tunisia (CNLT), an organization the Tunisian government has refused to grant legal registration. CNLT activists are frequently harassed and threatened by the police and government officials. Nevertheless, they continue to speak out in defense of human rights in Tunisia. More and much more

Saudi Arabia: New Evidence Of Torture
The government of Saudi Arabia should take immediate steps to investigate and prosecute members of the internal security forces responsible for torturing detainees and prisoners, Human Rights Watch said today. More and much more

.... and I stop since every Arab country is at it, torture that is...

The world record in every infamy in the book