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Thursday, 26 July 2007

Take Back Our Country Now

I am sick of the daily parade of atrocities committed by the criminal organization called the US Federal Government.

No one seems to understand what needs to be done. The US Government has not been listening to the people for over 150 years! What makes us all think they will listen to us now? We waste our energy trying and we have somehow forgotten that the real power in this nation comes from We the People and then the States we live in. If we pull the States back under our control then this filthy reprobate Government will cease to exist.

What follows is a letter that should be presented to every State Representative, State Senator, State Governor and sitting Judge in the State Judiciary. Following the letter are instructions to what your State Representative is to do with it. Those we sent to the US Congress are traitors. The States can recall them at will, try and execute them at once. We must get our States back under control!

As my friend Michael Badnarik is so fond of saying: "If the First Amendment does not work then the Second Amendment will!"

We have not yet tried the simple course of action so calls for violence are still premature. Time however is running out!

Here is the letter (Change the names and town where appropriate and it is to be physically delivered to your local State Representative):

Dear Public Servant, More...