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Wednesday, 25 July 2007

More Apple "IPhone" Security Flaws Exposed by "Globalist" Security Company

Another research team hacks the portable device

The Guardian released an article today, detailing how another security team has successfully hacked an Apple IPhone.

According to the article, "experts at Independent Security Evaluators, a computer protection consultancy, claim to have found a way to gain complete access to the phone, billed by its creators, Apple, as the mobile phone of the future."

It is interesting to note that Independent Security Company, according to their official website, has made successful strides to promote various Big Brother and Globalist ideologies. "The team includes computer scientists, electrical engineers, and cryptographers. ISE experts have testified before Congress, served as expert witnesses, participated in creating standards, and evaluated systems for both government and private industry."

"ISE members were able to remotely extract cryptographic keys from commercial RFID tags in use by millions of consumers. This required reverse engineering a proprietary cipher. The work received considerable press, including the New York Times, Reuters, and the Associated Press. The research has been submitted for publication." More...

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