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Friday, 6 July 2007
A Bad Week For Al Gore
The religion of man-made global warming has had its orthodoxy shot to pieces again right before an assorted gaggle of hypocrites and control freaks, led by Al Gore, prepare this weekend to unleash Live Earth, one of the most sophisticated and carefully packaged political propaganda assaults in recent years.
This rejuvenated religion of Pagan earth worship took another blow from hard science just today, after it was revealed that the oldest plant DNA ever discovered showed that "the planet was far warmer hundreds of thousands of years ago than is generally believed," again underscoring the fact that climate change is a routine and natural phenomenon that has occurred throughout earth's history.
"They also indicated that during the last period between ice ages, 116,000-130,000 years ago, when temperatures were on average 5 C (9 F) higher than now, the glaciers on Greenland did not completely melt away," reports Reuters.
Emotional fearmongering: yes that's right, polar bears can swim!
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Post Title: A Bad Week For Al Gore