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Thursday 10 May 2007

Iran War Lies

Here are the many lies about Iran by the White House and the rightwing media. Help us make this page complete by posting other lies (with links if possible

2/07Iranians or Iranian "trained" insurgents killed five American soldiers in Karbala

Nick Burns, FOX

Iraqi generals?
unamed "official" souces...
2/07US has proof Iranians are arming Shiite fighters in Iraq to attack USBush, Khalizad, FOX Proof promised by Bush repeatedly delayed
British Find No Evidence of Arms Traffic from Iran - WaPo 10-03-06
Scant evidence found of Iran-Iraq arms link - LA Times 01-23-07
Iran is “not likely to be a major driver of violence or the prospects for stability" - NIE Report 02-02-07
1/26N Korea helping Iran with nuclear testingUK Telegraph - unamed EU Minister N. Korea denies - CNN 01-27-06
N Korea uses plutonium, Iran uses uranium
1/26Group Claims Iran Has Agents in Iraq AP - National Council of Resistance No basis - anonymous sources and a new "Iranian front group"
1/22Iran bars 38 IAEA nuclear inspectorsAP, ReutersUN nuclear watchdog disputes claim that Iran barred inspectors - Raw Story 01-22-07
1/07Iranians are supplying Iraqis with truck-mounted Katyusha rockets, armor-piercing rocket-propelled grenades and armor-piercing roadside bombs

FAIR has compiled a searing analysis of the MSM network TV hyping of the Bush Cabal's bogus claims - see "Won't Get Fooled Again?".