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Tuesday, 20 March 2007
State Sponsored Corruption of British Children Looms

Gay propaganda aimed at 4-year-olds A tale of a handsome prince and an aging queen ready for retirement is a classic setting for a children’s fairy tale but when the handsome prince falls for another handsome prince it’s time to ask just what is going on? Children as young as four will be introduced to such stories which promote homosexual relationships as new gay rights laws come into force in April. There are already several primary schools taking part in the taxpayer-funded study (costing £600,000) to introduce children to homosexuality. Academics have claimed that telling the children "gay stories" will reduce homophobic playground bullying. However, groups opposed to the indoctrination of children say that schools could face legal action if they refuse to use the gay books.
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Post Title: State Sponsored Corruption of British Children Looms
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