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Monday, 19 March 2007
Iraqis Prefer Misery Over Saddam
Good news for neocons. Iraqis, who we are to believe revel in collective masochism, overwhelmingly approve of the destruction of their social infrastructure and prefer occupation at gunpoint, increasing poverty, malnutrition, and sectarian violence and murder over the rule of Saddam Hussein, or so Zionist Rupert Murdoch’s Times Online would have us believe.
“Most Iraqis believe life is better for them now than it was under Saddam Hussein, according to a British opinion poll published today,” the neocon newspaper reports. “The survey of more than 5,000 Iraqis found the majority optimistic despite their suffering in sectarian violence since the American-led invasion four years ago this week.”
Naturally, this “opinion poll,” obviously skewered, is for public consumption in Britain and the United States. In other words, the neocon plan is on schedule.
“Sectarian and tribal conflict infects daily life in Iraq. Primary and secondary schools, hospitals, police, government are all divided along these lines. You cannot even go to the supermarket without fear that you will not return,” Claudette Habesch, president of Caritas Middle East North Africa, told Reuters. “The last four years, but in particular 2006, we have seen life get worse rather than better for the ordinary Iraqi. And people are voting with their feet. Everyday 5000 people leave Iraq. In 2007, one in ten Iraqis is expected to leave the country.”
Obviously, this is a demographic Rupert Murdoch missed.
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Post Title: Iraqis Prefer Misery Over Saddam